Springtime on Mistletoe Road

Spring is rounding the corner. The days are getting longer, green things are emerging!

I made this painting in early spring a few years ago and it is one of my favorites. The Oregon White Oak pictured here are some of my most favorite trees. These native oaks host a wide variety of wildlife and I treasure them! The green when their leaves start to emerge is a beautiful shiny orangey green — if that’s a thing! It’s like a highly saturated olive green.

Spring on Mistletoe Road, Ashland, OR, Oil on Panel, 7.5” x 16” (framed measurement 8.5” x 17”), $410

This painting says - “ It’s a nice day, let’s go for a walk.”

Spring on Mistletoe Road, Ashland, OR, Oil on Panel, 7.5” x 16” (framed measurement 8.5” x 17”), $410